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Oliver Halloran & Koda Greenwood VS Rory Parker & Noah Dawson WINNER: Oliver Halloran & Koda Greenwood

A great back and forth bout between two fan favorites with multiple close calls. Koda and Noah put on several gravity defying moments leaving fans in awe. Rory came close to tapping out Oliver, but Oliver would power his way out of the submission hold, giving everyone a very shocking experience when they thought it was over. In a moment that no one expected, United Kingdom hot prospect Lindsey Taylor advanced to the ring and cast a distraction on Noah who would be taken out by Koda for the pin. Lindsey ended his appearance there with a knowing smile and a wave in his direction. Perhaps there are underlying plans with Lindsey eyeing Noah.

Ryder Evans VS Cooper Kelly WINNER: Ryder Evans

Two young prospects duked it out in a very competitive match where the high flying skills of Ryder would be swatted down multiple times by the fast strikes and submission holds of Cooper. A flurry of Ryder's offense had nearly taken Cooper out of the game with him almost not making the ten count to get back in the ring, but Cooper rolled in at the last two seconds of the count. The match would meat it's crescendo when Ryder hit the spinning tombstone to rattle Cooper straight into a three count.

Eric Drahken VS Nolan Devlinson WINNER: Nolan Devlinson

Death defying Nolan and death himself Eric found themselves in an incredibly violent match that had no use of weaponry. The shots were brutal and Eric dominated most of the match. Nolan would shine through easily later on in the match with his bullet speed and determination to never say die. Just when we thought he was about to be out, he came back stronger and picked up the win in a roll up that no one saw coming. Especially not the confused and angry Eric who was destroying ringside following the match.

Carter Lee VS Ashley Sharpe w/ Jason D'Masi WINNNER: Ashley Sharpe w/ Jason D'Masi

Two performers who know each other incredibly well, Carter and Ashley squared off in an instant classic. Despite multiple attempts at tom foolery, Ashley would have several moments where the match nearly ended with him on the losing side with Carter having his number and using his unique pinning combinations. A poke to the eye here, a low blow when the referee wasn't looking there, it all added up. The icing on the cake was Ashley's fake-out injury where the referee was tending to him instead of what was going on around them and Jason would interfere on Ashley's behalf, the attack garnering him the win.

Winnie Cromwell VS Raya Williams WINNER: Raya Williams

A first time ever match, Winnie and Raya squared off in a competitive match where the fans were somewhat split on who to cheer for. Raya gained much of the fanfare while Winnie had a luke warm crowd in her corner. The bought was fairly back and forth with some hard hitting kicks out of Winnie, but Raya would succeed in picking up the win after a pounce and a powerbomb, leaving the crowd cheering happily.

Lilly Azuroth & Coyote Vandenberg VS Quin Ritter & Cassandra Bishop WINNER: Quin & Cassandra

First time tag partners Lilly and Coyote faced off against the team of Quin and Cassandra who knew one another quite well out of their tours in Japan. It was fairly obvious to many that Quin and Cassandra had more of a rapport with one another and were far more of a well oiled machine. It took Lilly and Coyote a while to find their footing as a team together but when they finally clicked with something, it went sideways and Cassandra would pick up the win for her team. After the match, Lilly would be left in the ring after being shoved by Coyote who appeared upset and frustrated by the loss.

Katyana Mikhailov VS Jennifer Knowby WINNER: Katyana Mikhailov

Another first time one on one match, Katyana and Jennifer squared off in a fun match that was paced pretty evenly between the two. Jennifer would catch Katyana a time or two with some off handed submissions, but Katyana proved she had much more strength in her person by reaching the ropes or getting out of the actual submission itself. Katyana would pick up the win in this match.

Harvey Grove VS Baxter Irelund VS David Thomas VS Erik Grim - Unsanctioned Match WINNER:Harvey Grove

For those attending, they were given a fair warning before entering the staging area where seats were because this four way dance had nothing but mayhem and blood written all over it. Then it was seen in droves between Harvey, Baxter, David, and Erik. There was not much for near falls in this match as the men were more focused on destroying each other but the one near fall that happened was for Erik who would get kicked square in the skull by Baxter. There was much bloodshed in this match and weaponry used all over the staging area. The win would be picked up by Harvey, who out-lasted everyone else and was probably covered in everyone else's red bodily fluid.

Luca Tate VS Draeven Narvaez WINNER: No Contest

The main event of the evening brought two very talented men showing everything they had in the ring. The match got very physical very quickly but both men seemed to have a game of one upsmanship going on. Multiple near falls happened, including one after a devastating Razor's Edge onto the steel steps outside, leaving Draeven in shock. However, nothing was more shocking than when the ring was rushed by Skyler West who interrupted the entirety of the match, laying both men out and acting like he owned the entire ring. Fans were left stunned, but even more so when Skyler was running his mouth about how wonderful he was and music hit revealing someone else who was tired of his crap: Korey Richmund. The fans would come to their feet buzzing as Korey ran down Skyler and challenged him to meet him face to face when Abbott made it's way to studios. Skyler would leave that up in the air, but the fans relished in the delight of Korey being there.