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Raya Williams VS Ginny Wallace WINNER: Raya Williams

Opening the show was the Abbott Pro Wrestling Women's World Champion Raya Williams fighting a surprise opponent in international star Ginny Wallace who recently signed a full-time contract with the company. At ringside along with Tom Arden during this match on commentary was Sherri Linwood who had a few colorful things to say to Raya the week prior. The entirety of a highly competitive match between two powerhouse women, Sherri would continue her tirade on how people should be grateful for her and everything she had done for women in wrestling because otherwise we wouldn't be seeing a match like this. Several times her jaw jacking would distract Raya, which seemed to be the whole point of Sherri being there despite claiming she was there to scout her future opponent. Raya would be successful in defeating Ginny on that evening, and defiantly held up her championship in the face of Sherri who pie faced the champion and left her behind.

Lindsey Taylor Appears; Lindsey Taylor VS Mathias Giovanni WINNER: Lindsey Taylor

While the fans were cheering for the sight of Lindsey Taylor, he did not appear to come out looking all that pleased. He addressed a big elephant in the room in his opinion, and claimed that the time limit draw in his match with Cooper Kelly wasn't how the match should have ended and it was clear that they needed far more time. The match proved nothing, according to Lindsey. Before he could further his complaint on the matter, he was cut off by recurring independent talent, Mathias Giovanni who had plenty to interject on the matter. He insisted that he and everyone else were so tired of hearing about who the better man was and that the match did prove something: they both sucked. The better man was the one talking at that moment: him. He cited that people were quick to forget about guys like him with all of the charisma and talent in the world but none of the opportunities because of the shiny new toys that show up from elsewhere and he was sick of it and he wanted his opportunity, to which Lindsey obliged and took him down to the mat immediately. A referee was sent out as the impromptu match was greenlit and suffice it to say: it was painful. Mathias was as good as he said he was, but on this evening, it seemed that a very angry Lindsey Taylor would be victorious but not before he would make sure that Mathias was in too much pain to talk, nearly twisting off practically ever limb the poor man had. At the end of the match, Cooper Kelly tried to rush the ring but was kept at bay by security who pushed him back as Lindsey was approaching, Cooper clearly wanting at Lindsey one more time.

Lily Azuroth VS Winnie Cromwell WINNER: Winnie Cromwell

Before the match began, we were greeted to the friendly face of Abbott Pro Wrestling backstage correspondent Emily Smith who was standing with Winnie Cromwell whom she asked the big question: What was this axe she had to grind all about? Winnie responded by trying to make it crystal clear to everyone that she was here for one thing and one thing only: the Abbott Pro Wrestling Women's World Championship. She didn't care about Raya Williams and her fake sparkly attitude, she could have given two shits less about what Sherri Linwood did for women's wrestling, and she didn't particularly care who had the belt by the time she got to it because she was going to send them to hell with the rest of them. The match she had would be taking on Lily Azuroth who had been having an interesting go of it as of late as she seemingly had the eye of Akasha Corrigan and her consort, Erik Grim. This week, both Lily and Winnie would take each other to the woodshed instead of a particularly one sided affair as it had been for the two weeks prior for Winnie. If there was a dangerous spot to take, one of them would take it, but the match would have Winnie coming up as the winner when Lily found herself distracted by a one again spectating Akasha Corrigan and Erik Grim who this time came around ringside. They would disappear just as soon as the bell rang for the end of the match, leaving Lily confused and upset.

Skyler West segment

Again to the backstage area, Emily Smith was working for her paycheck that evening as she approached Skyler West for information that everyone was dying to know: what was his answer to Samual Moor's challenge? Skyler who looked very annoyed that he was even approached at all simply stared at Emily for a moment and then answered "NO." Emily would poke the bear a bit more and further her task by asking, "Why?" Skyler gave the most exasperated expression at Emily and asked if he looked like an insane person to her, and emphasized that the answer was no before walking off.

Fletcher Murphy VS Maddox Fitzherb WINNER: Maddox Fitzherb

Australian born and bred Fletcher Murphy made his first appearance for Abbott Pro Wrestling this week facing off against new, but familiar face Maddox Fitzherb in an exciting match that had a lot going for it. Showcasing his aerial offense, Fletcher would take Maddox to the limit but the unorthodox approach that Maddox had would shoot down the shorter man several times. Fans seemed incredibly engaged with this one as chants would be half and half between the crowd to see who would be the winner. Ultimately, Maddox Fitzherb would pull out the win after putting Fletcher in a reverse figure four leg lock which was turned over at least twice but his long legs seemingly hung on just a bit longer for the other man to tap.

Spencer Duquette VS Tyler Langdon WINNER: Spencer Duquette

The Summer of Spencer continued as the man with the LED vest had even more lights lit up this time going into his match with longtime Abbott Pro Wrestling talent Tyler Langdon. Both men put on one hell of a match that nearly felt like it could go for the full three count at any second and this time around Spencer wowed the crowd with a rope walk that made a four post revolution, but not before Spencer caught sight of Kieron Laughlin in the crowd again, causing a distraction and nearly messing him up on that particular move. Tom Arden on commentary made sure to bring up the presence of Kieron, which he had stated was likely not a coincidence this time because the big man with a multi-generational wrestling family had come to the front row, still stood behind the barricade to watch what was going on. At one point when Spencer hit a suicide dive to Tyler on the outside, he came face to face with Kieron and neither man said a word, but their faces said everything. Something was brewing, and no one knew exactly what. Spencer would add another win to his list of victories in Abbott Pro Wrestling after defeating Tyler, and he'd left the ring the same way he had the week before: eyes locked on Kieron Laughlin.

Ezra Fitzherb & Percy Lupton VS Hank Marshall & Iggy Gabris WINNER: Ezra Fitzherb & Percy Lupton

The second match in a series of three brought in some new faces to the fold as international star Iggy Gabris teamed up with Hank Marshall to take on the well established scamps in Ezra Fitzherb and Percy Lupton. The match had shenanigans written all over it thanks to Ezra and Percy who did everything they could to push every possible button the opposing team had and it would be Iggy who lost his cool first and it would cost him big time as he would wind up getting a kick to the face from Ezra and a harsh brainbuster from Percy. The match would become highly involved with back and forth tactics, leaving the fans wondering who would actually pick up the win as they wound up getting near fall after near fall. Ezra and Percy would be the victors on this night after a dual octopus stretch from both of them on their opponents who both tapped after being unable to escape the hold.