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Harvey Grove appears

To start the show, the new Abbott Pro Wrestling World Champion Harvey Grove came out through the fans with his new title, still celebrating like he had among the people the week prior, this time with considerably less blood. Once in the ring and the chants of "you deserve it" had subsided, Harvey finally spoke, citing how he was a humble man and rough around the edges but he has always gone on and done things based off of one thing everyone in the universe has and that's feeling. Right now, he was feeling damn good about what happened last week. That win for Harvey was vindication that pressing on no matter what life threw at you and working hard got you where you needed to be. This was firm proof that when someone closed a door in front of you, you kicked that motherfucker open. Whether he deserved it or not remained to be seen according to him, but it didn't matter to him either because what came next was what was ahead. Chasing a title was easier than being a champion because it meant a target was on your back and everyone is going to be gunning for him. The question is, which shooter is going to come up to the plate first? Following that question came the buzzing of the fans. Not from music being played for cue, but from seeing someone very familiar to independent wrestling as a whole: Bentley Fehrmann. He got into the ring, the fans popping at this whole situation, and immediately got into Harvey's face, nose to nose despite their height difference. No words were needed in this exchange to understand where it was going.

Valerie Bardot VS Winnie Cromwell WINNER: Winnie Cromwell

Another week, another wrecking. After completely obliterating Ainsley Darlington, Winnie Cromwell took on another opponent in the shape of long tenured women's division talent Valerie Bardot. At the first opening of the match it almost seemed like Valerie had the upper hand, as one would assume with her history in Abbott Pro Wrestling as a bit of a veteran in her young age, but one misstep had sent her shoulder first into the ring post and gave Winnie the upper hand. It was all downhill from there for Valerie, who suffered the same treatment as Ainsley, except a bit worse. When Winnie had gotten the pinfall she wasn't quite done and had taken a steel chair and wrapped it around the shoulder of Valerie who was motionless in the ring, double foot stomping onto it from the top turnbuckle, presumably injuring Valerie in the process.

Spencer Duquette VS Maddox Fitzherb WINNER: Spencer Duquette

The run of a lifetime was what it was being called for Spencer Duquette who had been adding more lights on his LED jacket he wore to the ring with every mark in his win column. Tonight he faced new acquisition to Abbott Pro Wrestling in Maddox Fitzherb whom was a formidable athlete in his own right. The match would wow the crowd with some incredible rope and top turnbuckle spots as well as death defying leaps and other amazing feats of strength between them. But for as good as the match was between the two of them, Spencer became a bit distracted in the ring. The camera feed panned to the crowd area he was looking in and sitting amongst the people was Kieron Laughlin, of the legendary Laughlin family. Commentator Tom Arden brought up his rich family history and inquired what he possibly could be doing there aside from watching the spectacle in the ring. The distraction would give Maddox an upper hand, but Spencer quickly squashed this and would pick up the win after a Thunderkiss '86. His eyes never strayed from Kieron after the fact, even on his way to the back.

Raya Williams calls out Sherri Linwood

A woman who was a real ray of sunshine in every aspect of the term, Raya Williams came out to a cheering crowd who also showered Raya in "you deserve it" chants. She was basking in the glory of what was being given to her after a hard fought battle to get to the very end, but before she could even address matters that she wanted to address, she was cut off by the person she was set out to call out. Independent wrestling legend Sherri Linwood came out to heavy booing that would send a lesser person packing, but she seemed to simply eat it up as she got into the ring and took the microphone from Raya before she could even utter a word. Sherri's first words weren't even words; it was laughter and that laughter was followed up by her mocking the crowd's chants of "you deserve it". Sherri would go on to state that words like that were hollow and meant absolutely nothing because nobody deserved anything. You had to work for it. She added that she would know all about that because if it wasn't for women like her, women like Raya would not have any of the opportunities they have today. The crowd was not having it. Sherri told the crowd to boo her all they wanted to but facts were facts and the fact of the matter was there would be no Raya Williams or any woman in that locker room without Sherri Linwood and even the slightest indication that people had forgotten about that fact is what brought her back to the dance in the first place. Sherri noted being sick and tired of the rip offs like Cassandra Bishop and Shilo Wagner, the alleged game changers like Adrianna Crowley and Samantha Garlande, the downright ridiculous like Akasha Corrigan and Mina Irving, but most of all, Raya Williams, who had no game plan, no ambition, was just happy to be here and somehow fell on a string of good luck after stepping in dog shit and managed to win a tournament with people surprisingly weaker than she is. Raya then stole the microphone from Sherri who looked surprised and upset before hearing Raya's response to her tirade, stating that if Sherri had such a problem with her that she could have just asked for a shot at her any time anywhere. Sherri replied with a scoffing laugh and simply said that it wasn't about Raya, it was about that title and where it rightfully belonged, which was with her and facing her would come on Sherri's time and Sherri's time only and by the end of it all, everyone in the crowd and in the locker room would be thanking her for her existence because without her, none of this would be happening. With that, Sherri left a visibly irritated Raya in the ring, and Raya would leave soon after.

Dylan Richardson VS Bastian Ravenshaw WINNER: Bastian Ravenshaw

Returning after an incredible appearance in the world title tournament, international sensation Bastian Ravenshaw took on newcome to Abbott Pro Wrestling, Dylan Richardson. The two had an incredible chemistry in the ring which seemed to almost compliment one another in the way that they moved. It almost seemed like at times Dylan was far quicker than the fast paced Bastian, and even commentator Tom Arden considered the reality that perhaps Dylan was a younger version of Bastian and he could possibly pick up the win. While the two would put one another through the ring, ultimately Bastian would pick up the win, but he would help his opponent up to his feet and raise his hand and shake it after as a mark of respect between the two.

Lily Azuroth VS Karleigh Pierce WINNER: Lily Azuroth

A few weeks removed from a career defining cage match against Coyote Vandenberg, Lily Auroth returned, this time facing a fairly seasoned veteran in her own right in Karleigh Pierce who was making her return to pro wrestling after a brief hiatus. The two started off fairly back and forth, Karleigh having a distinct height advantage over Lily with six inches to spare between them. However Lily's speed and picking the right spots here and there seemed to give her an advantage over her opponent. Karleigh's longer legs would come into play with the impact of spin kicks and also holding Lily in the corner with the bottom of her boot to her throat while she held onto the ropes before a five count was up. Ultimately, Lily would out-smart her opponent and plant her with a Canadian Destroyer, picking up a win over her. During the back half of that match, Akasha Corrigan and Erik Grim had been watching from the top of the entry way with great interest and it wasn't until Lily passed them that they had given away who they were interested in, following her right into the back, leaving fans to speculate.

Aiden Zhouli & Ripley Gold VS Oliver Halloran & Koda Greenwood WINNER: Aiden Zhouli & Ripley Gold

Earlier in the week on social media a new multi-team tournament was announced to determine brand new tag team champions because the division was growing in leaps and bounds and had been on fire recently with all of the hungry competition. Tonight would start the tournament with Aiden Zhouli and Ripley Gold facing Oliver Halloran and Koda Greenwood. Oliver and Koda had been having a bit of bad luck themselves with their attempts at getting one over on other teams, but that did not stop their determination because they went at it fiercely with Aiden and Ripley. The match was an exciting game of what's next as far as what was done and it was clear that both of the teams were ready to do anything to get that win. In the end, the bad luck would strike again for Oliver and Koda as Aiden and Ripley both double pinned Oliver for the three count, advancing to be in the final three.